Privacy Policy

Read our terms below to learn more about your rights to privacy and how we use your data.

Last updated: 4th of January, 2023

Covered in this policy

This Privacy Policy covers our usage and treatment of personally identifiable information that we gather when you are using our Services, but it does not cover the practices of companies we don't control.

How do we keep your personal information secure?

We are committed to use the best procedures, tools and techniques set by industry standard to guarantee the security of your personal information.
At the same time, since there is no method that guarantees 100% security in case of transmission of information over the internet, you are advised to keep your password safe and make sure to prevent any unauthorized access to your LabelPlug account and Personal Information.
In case you use a third-party device to access your account, you shall log out once your session is finished. We endeavor to protect your information and your account privacy, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee complete security.

What personal information of sender do we collect and when?

Senders are users, individuals authorized by a user to access such user’s account, and in general anybody who use our services to ship items.
In order to facilitate our provision of services, we collect personal information from senders as follows for 48 hours before it gets purged from our database:

  • First and last name;
  • Contact number;
  • Email;
  • Physical address of billing and pickup;
In the event you are the sender of LabelPlug, LabelPlug shall collect the data in respect of the browser and device you access our service with, your IP address, network connection and the date and time of your visit. We collect the above information when you sign up for our services, access our services, activate our services from another partners website and at any time you update your personal information on your LabelPlug account.

What personal information of recipient do we collect and when?

LabelPlug further collects personal information regarding the recipients of shipments as follows:

  • First and last name;
  • Contact number;
  • Email;
  • Physical address of billing and pickup;
We do not share the above information with any data brokers. The above information may be collected from senders when they schedule a shipment or when the recipient of shipment contacts us to change any information regarding delivery of the shipment.

Forbidden use of your personal information:

We will not use your personal information for any reason beyond the legitimate business purposes defined by the law. We do not and will never sell, disclose, or share any personal information, collected from you or your customers, to any company for the promotion and sale of their own products and services.
The only case for which we reserve the right to share your personal information is to guarantee the fulfillment of our services, for which we reserve the right to share your information with 3rd party companies that work with us to provide you service such as couriers, insurance companies and payment providers.

Sharing personal information with 3rd parties

We don't.


Security is utmost important to us and we will strive to ensure all personal information will be protected against unauthorized access. Our databases utilize encryption and data is periodically deleted.

Access to your personal information

If you wish to remove any personal information, fully and scrubbed from our service and servers, please contact our customer support. Your payment details made via PayPal, Credit Cards or any other payment processors with the exception of crypto payments will be kept for 7 years per processors agreements. We cannot change that or navigate around that.

What will happen to your information if you terminate working with us?

Nothing will happen. Your information will be scrubbed and Earth continues to rotate.